
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 16:14:33

Information: animated "Madagascar" About the story

  http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005年05月31日14:21新浪娱乐 http://ent.sina.com.cn 2005 on 05 years on 31 Sina Entertainment 14:21
  狮子亚历克斯是丛林之王,哦不! Alex the lion is the king of the jungle, oh no! 这里的丛林指的是喧嚣的城市丛林,而非茂密的野生丛林。 The jungle was referring to the noisy urban jungle, not the dense jungle of wild. 在纽约中央公园里的动物园,他算得上是吸引游客的头号明星。 New York's Central Park Zoo, he can claim to be a star number one tourist attraction. 他和最要好的朋友斑马马蒂、长颈鹿梅尔曼和河马格洛丽亚训练有素,各自秀出的看家绝活即便是一招半式都会博得观众欢快的笑声和热烈的掌声。 And his best friend Mama Di spot, giraffe and hippo Gloria Mehlman well-trained, Show of their housekeeping skills even Yizhaobanshi will win the audience's laughter and happy applause. 虽说四周有坚固的笼子和高大的围墙照应着,深受纽约市民喜爱的四位动物好朋友的日子过得还是相当的滋润,三餐不愁甚至可以享尽荣华富贵。 Although there is strong around th